We fucked until the tent collapsed

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Dear report.

We are two young guys from the Jutland mainland who believe that it is now our turn to make a small contribution to De grå sider.
It all started last summer when we were on a camping trip on Rømø. One evening we visited the local disco, we got into a conversation with three girlfriends. We danced and had a good time for a few hours, but since we wanted to be a bit naughty, we suggested that we go home to our tent and party on. We had a good supply of booze, as we had been on the booze route to Germany on the same day. Among other things, we had bought a lot of Martinis.
The girls were immediately on board. And under cover of darkness we crept to the tent. My mate and I were at the worst. The three girls were called Susanne, Birgit and Hanne, and there should be enough for both of us. We looked at Susanne's see-through blouse, which left nothing to the imagination, and we both got a huge shock from the sight.
It did not go unnoticed, because Birgit and Susanne suddenly mischievously winked at it, and suddenly they stood up and slowly began to strip for us. It became too much, and we also started throwing away the cloths, while Hanne, who had been waiting until now, also suddenly found out that clothes can be thrown away.
Flemming, my friend, threw himself over Susanne and drilled his stiff cock hard into her cunt. It was soaking wet, I could see, and he simply couldn't hold on any longer. I then discovered that Hanne and Birgit had thrown themselves onto the one air mattress in a hefty 69er, and what could I do but play dick while I watched. However, it became too boring in the long run to just be a spectator, so I separated the two girls and snuggled my member in Hanne's lovely pussy. Birgit positioned herself so that Flemming could lick her pussy, and it didn't take long before the tent swayed in time to our intense fucking.
We all had a wonderful orgasm, and while we were lying down and cooling off before the next act, the tent door suddenly opened and we saw an elderly couple sticking their heads in towards us. It was our neighbors at the campsite whom we had greeted briefly earlier in the day. They appeared to be fresh, so we invited them inside. After all, we couldn't really hide what we had done, which we leave completely naked. - But you must throw away the clothes, said Flemming then. I thought that by now they must be angry. But no. The man didn't let it be said twice, but stopped by us with half a Stivert on. We glared a bit when he quickly found Susanne's pussy and began to lick her at a hurricane-like pace. All the while we could see his iron grow.
The wife just stood in the tent door and giggled lasciviously. Then she also threw away the clothes. With Flemming's and my help. At the same time, she played with our cocks, which grew to a new stiffness between her fingers, so that they were soon ready for battle again,
Before long we were doing pile-ups across the generation gap, but the noise from the tent, our moans and the girls' squeals, had summoned the camp manager, who came to doze us down. But when he saw what was the cause of the alarm, he found it difficult to keep the mask. He looked pretty crazy to say the least, when Susanne, between two deep pricks in his pussy, asked if he didn't want to join in the pranks. He had that. The duty as a local law enforcer was quickly forgotten, and soon he was lying with his tent pole drilled well and solidly up in Hanne.
Unfortunately, our tent was not designed for eight people's heated and animalistic fucking, so it all slammed together around our ears.
Three Swedish nurses were on their way to their caravan when it happened, and they tried to raise the tent from outside, which failed. And great was their surprise when they saw eight naked people drenched in sexual juices coming out. It was the middle of the night, and no one else in the square was awake, so the three nurses thought it might be fun to join. And that's how we became a whole football team, pumping, fucking, sucking and licking in the middle of the grass.
Only when the camp chief's wife came to look for her husband did we stop. It was actually really embarrassing. She howled and screamed as he tried to find his clothes and cover his now limp and deflated member. We tried to get her involved, but she wasn't interested at all. Despite me trying to pull the cloths off her.
Now several of the residents of the square had woken up, and they looked shocked at the sight. Then we found out that it was probably time to stop the sex game. But Flemming's and my tent were so destroyed that we could not raise it again.
So that's why we were allowed to take home the three girls Susanne, Hanne and Birgit, who lived together in a collective. And there we cheered on for the rest of the night. In more peaceful ways without prying eyes.
Because it cannot be denied that it causes a certain sensation when a tent suddenly collapses on a campsite, and a whole football team of mere robbers appears in the moonlight. But it was the most enjoyable holiday I've been on yet, and my partner and I will definitely be going on a camping trip again. Because there must be more fresh tent girls.

The two of them shout

Cozy love